TOMY Japan released the Now And Future Mickey Mouse Magical Collection, which was designed by Japanese illustrator Sorayama Hajime.
Hajime Sorayama is a Vargas Award recipient, a recognition of the greatest acclaim in air-brush artwork, for his highly inventive, sensual style of paintings. Sorayama’s distinctive design has been a slick chrome-look of robotics in a hyper-sexualized feminine body for over four decades. Sorayama’s work is in permanent collections at the MOMA, the Smithsonian Institute, and the US Library of Congress. She is considered one of the most prominent pin-up artists of our time.
NANZUKA, a Shibuya-based contemporary art gallery, curated this exhibition. With the help of Walt Disney Japan Co., Ltd., the “Mickey Mouse Now and Future” exhibition will be held on the 4th level of Shibuya PARCO’s “PARCO MUSEUM TOKYO.” This exhibition is a collaborative art effort in which artists from all over the world who love Mickey Mouse portray the present and future under the topic of “fan gathering.”